If the Emsada Agent Deployer or Group Policy is not an option you can deploy an agent to a remote machine using psexec.
- Using Microsoft’s psexec (https://download.sysinternals.com/files/PSTools.zip) open a remote command prompt with:
- psexec \\ComputerName -c EmsadaAgentSetup.exe /AGENTUSERNAME=”AgentUsernameProvidedAtPurchase” /AGENTPASSWORD=”AgentPasswordProvidedAtPurchase” /VERYSILENT /NORESTART /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES
If you need to authenticate with the machine because you are not running the above from a domain controller you can add a username and password:
- psexec \\ComputerName -u UserName -p Password -c EmsadaAgentSetup.exe /AGENTUSERNAME=”AgentUsernameProvidedAtPurchase” /AGENTPASSWORD=”AgentPasswordProvidedAtPurchase” /VERYSILENT /NORESTART /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES
When an agent is deployed can it go into the correct group automatically?
Yes this is possible, please see When an agent is deployed can it go into the correct group automatically?